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Generation of human-aware navigation maps using graph neural networks

Contributors: Daniel Rodriguez-Criado, Pilar Bachiller-Burgos and Luis J. Manso

This work builds on top of the project in SNGNN and exetends it to generate 2D disruption maps for Human-Aware Navigation (HAN) using graph neural networks. While SNGNN could only generate a single score for scneario, this new model (SNGNN2D) can yield a entire disruption map of the space around the robot that can be use for HAN. It is worth noting that SNGNN is also campable of generating these 2D maps by querying the model for every possible position of the robot in the scneario, generating 1 pixel value of the final map per position. However, this process is too slow due to the large number of queries required to generate the full map. Generating a map using this approach takes approximatelly seconds while the SNGNN2D model can generate the full map in just seconds using the same hardware.

Although, SNGNN cannot efficiently generate 2D maps, we use this model too bootstrap a 2D dataset that can be used to train SNGNN2D as ecpplained in this section. The following video shows the proccess to create the dataset, train the model, and generate the maps in a simulated scenario for HAN:

Thus the main contributions of this work are two-fold:

  1. a.) A technique to bootstrap two-dimensional datasets from one dimensional Datasets.
  2. b.) SNGNN-2D, an architecture that combines Graph Neural Networks (GNN) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to generate two dimensional cost maps based on the robot’s knowledge.

After training, the resulting ML architecture is able to efficiently generate cost maps that can be used as a cost function for Human-Aware Navigation. The experiments presented in the published article provide the accuracy of the model, time efficiency and statistical information of the trajectories used by the robot when using SNGNN2D and a reference Gaussian Mixture Model-based (GMM) algorithm. The software to bootstrap the two-dimensional dataset and SNGNN2D has been released as open-source in a public repository, with all the data required to replicate the experiments.

Dataset bootstrapping

The acquisition of two-dimensional cost or disruption maps to create datasets for learning purposes generates a number of challenges. First, asking people contributing to the datasets to provide a cost map instead of a single score per scenario would be more time-consuming. Another factor to consider is the precision of the answer is being dependent on the subjects’ capability to represent their preferences graphically. Their inclination and motivation to stay engaged in the task would also be a challenge.

Visualization of the dataset bootstrapping process

Fig. 1 The process used to bootstrap the two-dimensional dataset. The expected 2D outputs are generated performing multiple queries to SNGNN, shifting the scenario around the robot.

A dataset containing scalars as output data cannot directly be used to train a model which provides a two-dimensional output, so the approach followed in this case is to use a model which provides single value estimations (SNGNN) and sample its output shifting the robot’s position, bootstrapping this way a two-dimensional dataset. The process of sampling is depicted in Fig. 1 and in more detail in the cover video. For each scenario in the bootstrapped dataset a matrix of samples is generated. A total of scenarios were randomly generated following the same strategy of SocNav1. The dataset split for training, development and test is of , and scenarios, respectively.

Graphs creation

Considering that the input data is not presented in the form of a graph, its conversion to a graph-like structure is one of the most relevant steps if GNNs are to be used. This process follows the same steps as (SNGNN), with the exception that there is an additional grid of nodes whose values are passed to the CNN layers of the architecture and decoded into the final output. The first part of the graph (scenario graph), which coincides with SNGNN represents the entities in the room and their relations, using a node per entity (room, humans, walls and objects). The walls are split into segments, creating a node for each of these segments. A global room node connects to every other node in the graph to facilitate the use of global information in the room using fewer layers. The human-to-human and human-to-object interactions (if they exist) are represented as edges among the respective nodes. The scenario graph can be seen on the top half of Fig. 2.

Final graph used by SNGNN2D

Fig. 2 Representation of the graph corresponding to a specific scene. On the left image, the top side shows the entity graph while the bottom side depicts the grid graph.

The grid is a lattice of interconnected nodes, structured to represent the area of the room surrounding the robot by associating them to 2D coordinates. The number of nodes of this grid and the area they cover are hyperparameters that can be tuned to reach a trade-off between performance, computation time, and area coverage. The , coordinates of a grid node in row and column from the robot’s perspective are computed as in the following equation, where is the width and height of the lattice and is the side of the squared area covered by the grid.

How to use

Explained how the model works and its structure, this section will focus on the usage of the model.

Load the model and the dataset

The first step to use the model is to download it alongside with the dataset. To clone the repository of the project in your computer simply run:

Terminal window
git clone
cd sngnn2d

The repository already includes a trained model, the dataset and a docker container to run the model.

Train your own model (optional)

If you just want to test our trained model, you can skip this section. However, if you want to train or fine tune your own model, you can follow the steps below.

  1. You can use the same dataset split that we used that is located in the data folder. Each JSON file in that folder contain a list of scenarios, each scenario is a dictionary with the following keys (this is an example of a scenario entry):

    "identifier": "00108 B",
    "score": 72,
    "robot": {"id": 0},
    "humans": [{"id": 1, "xPos": -189, "yPos": 98, "orientation": -150}, {"id": 3, "xPos": -339, "yPos": 157, "orientation": -1}, ...],
    "objects": [{"id": 2, "xPos": -297.5, "yPos": 285.9275126212232, "orientation": 30}],
    "links": [[1, 2, "interact"], [3, 4, "interact"], ...],
    "room": [[-239, 461], [-129, 371], [-112, 392], [382, -16], [365, -37], [368, -39], [117, -343], [114, -341], [-29, -517], [-526, -110], [-380, 66], [-490, 156], [-239, 461]]

    The identifier key os a iunique name for the scene that coincides with the name of the image file in the images/all folder. The models use this naming convention to locate de images during training and testing. The rest of the keys provides information about the entities in the scene. Follow the same format to create your dataset or add data to the existing one.

  2. Now to train a new model you just have to run the training script as follows:

    Terminal window

Test the model

To test the model you have two options available: you can use the Docker images provided in the repo or you can use the scripts. We recommend to use the Docker images as they are easier to use and they include all the necessary dependencies.

To visualize the results of the model, we provide a docker container that includes all the necessary dependencies to run the model. To run the container you just have to run the following command:

Terminal window
cd docker/cuda_test

To run the model in a simulated environment, run the following command:

Terminal window
cd docker/cuda_navigation
docker build --tag 'sngnn2d' .

Using scripts

For this option you first need to install all the dependecies of the project. Then you can run first the simulator and then the model that you want to test:

Terminal window
cd test
bash #For SNGNN2D
bash #For GMMs


To cite this work, use the following BibTex notation:

author="Rodriguez-Criado, Daniel
and Bachiller, Pilar
and Manso, Luis J.",
editor="Bramer, Max
and Ellis, Richard",
title="Generation of Human-Aware Navigation Maps Using Graph Neural Networks",
booktitle="Artificial Intelligence XXXVIII",
publisher="Springer International Publishing",